Case Studies

Unusual Combination of Skills Result in Career Advancement To C-Suite Leadership

The Challenge

The Chief Executive Officer of a Northeastern homecare agency, part of a Health System, created a new position, Vice President of Operations. Usually, Vice Presidents of Operations have senior administrative and finance credentials. In addition to those qualifications, this new position required a nursing background, as well as merger and acquisition experience, to integrate homecare operations of a member hospital.

The Bobbie Stone Solution

We immediately focused on identifying candidates with a proven “track record” of success, experience and an understanding of nursing-related issues, the ability to discuss, formulate and implement strategic initiatives, and manage day-to-day operational oversight.

The Result

The ideal candidate needed to be at the “top of their game” and able to “sit at the table” with peers. The candidate we placed was promoted several times – and for the past four years, has served as Chief Executive Officer.

Looking in Unexpected Places To Fill a New Role

The Challenge

A Southeastern Hospital System had just created a new position – Regional Director of Operations for its multi-specialty physician group with over 200 physicians. Not only was this a new role for the organization – there were just a small handful of hospitals that had anything similar.

The Bobbie Stone Solution

We knew we needed to look in unexpected places for someone who could fill the role – the “usual suspects” just wouldn’t do.

The Result

The winning candidate came from a background of both finance and consulting – and has brought sound protocols and fiscal accountability to the group.

Changing a 35-year Culture

The Challenge

The Senior Vice President and General Counsel of this multi-campus hospital in the Northeast had been in the position for over 35 years, shaping strategy and culture. Now, as he planned to retire, the organization knew it wanted a change of direction – but wasn’t sure what was needed in a replacement.

The Bobbie Stone Solution

In talking extensively with the organization’s leadership and current SVP and General Counsel, we understood the delicate balance a candidate must strike between respect for key elements of the old culture, creative ideas for change and innovative strategies for embedding that new thinking throughout the hospital staff.

The Result

We found the ideal candidate for this position – but the executive was very happy at her current employer. We brought together the candidate and client for a series of in-depth meetings to explore the mutual benefits – and today the new SVP and General Counsel is helping to successfully move the hospital forward, with new approaches and increased teamwork throughout the C-suite.

Expert Leadership-by-Example Results in Success at the International Level

The Challenge

An international faith-based Hospital recognized its need for a new Director of Human Resources with expertise in labor and employee relations and managing a large HR department. After attempting to find the right candidate using inhouse efforts, the organization engaged the services of an executive search firm – with no success.

The Bobbie Stone Solution

Bobbie Stone International was asked to assist. Using our proprietary database, we compiled a list of candidates who had extensive HR experience, exceptional writing and communication skills, and the ability to contribute to a team-focused management approach.

The Result

Our winning candidate was a Human Resources Director from a major teaching hospital with exceptional skills and understanding of the cultural and linguistic challenges faced by a Hospital serving patients from North, Central and South America. Leading by example and within less than a year, our candidate was promoted to Vice President of Human Resources with the full support of senior leadership to continue transitioning the HR Department.

Building a Foundation’s Future

The Challenge

A well-known Northeastern hospital Foundation needed to ramp up its donor and volunteer support – and its usual events-focused methods just weren’t working. Was it adequately preparing for the future?

The Bobbie Stone Solution

We looked for Executive Vice President candidates with experience in long-term gift planning, who understood how to create capital campaigns and wellness prevention programs that built relationships that lasted past a specific event.

The Result

Our client has increased donations, introduced a host of new programs that tie together strategically and is building a solid core of millennial volunteers, who represent the future of the hospital and its Foundation.

Creating Buy-in with the Leadership Team

The Challenge

As we worked with this East Coast independent hospital looking for a new Chief Nursing Officer, we found a disconnect among members of the leadership team, which meant that no one could agree on the skills and background that the position required. Just as importantly, the marketplace was aware of these issues, making the best qualified candidates reluctant to consider the position.

The Bobbie Stone Solution

We brought together the members of the team, in a confidential meeting, to discuss together their views on the CNO role and how the nursing staff and physicians could better coordinate their efforts.

The Result

With the position specifications clearly defined and with buy in from the decision makers, we were able to present a tight slate of high caliber candidates – and completed the search in less than 60 days from start to finish.