What We're Listening To

Revisionist History. Malcolm Gladwell
Malcolm Gladwell, journalist, public speaker and author of five New York Times bestsellers (The Tipping Point, Blink, Outliers, What the Dog Saw, and David and Goliath) also has an excellent podcast: Revisionist History, which reconsiders things both “overlooked and misunderstood.”
Now in its 6th season, each 30–40-minute episode introduces a topic (person, event, idea) and then explores the validity of the commonly-accepted “truth” about it. He has a unique perspective (to say the least) and challenges his listeners to re-think and broaden their own assumptions and ideas.

WorkLife. Adam Grant
Adam Grant is organizational psychologist and his podcast WorkLife examines how to make companies better places to work, how to deal with difficult customers, and the different types of workplaces and how to make them more efficient. It's one of the highest rated podcasts, and he has a unique way of looking at the world.
After all, he has said, “We spend a quarter of our lives in our jobs. This show is about making all that time worth your time.” Listening to his podcast is certainly worth the time!

Harvard After Hours. Youngme Moon, Felix Oberholzer-Gee, Mihir Desai
Curated by Harvard Business Review editors and hosted by three Harvard professors, Harvard After Hours is a weekly podcast that is “at the intersection of business & culture.” Along with their guests, the hosts cover a wide range of topical issues, providing very informative perspective and insight. For a great example, take a listen to Season 4, Episode 22 in which celebrated author, consultant, and Harvard Business School professor Frances Frei discusses the challenges of achieving true “Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace.”

The podcasts usually last about 40 minutes – making Harvard After Hours a great information resource for those of us with limited reading time!